Client: Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
Nature of Work
E. D. Hill planners worked with representatives of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City to develop a master plan, and survey for a newly envisioned retirement community. Located north of Britton Road and one-quarter mile west of Rockwell, the site is characterized by an expanded lake and stream.
The planning team worked to create a plan that is both functional as well as attractive for it’s future residents. A system of walking trails is planned throughout the development to take advantage of the pond and stream system which has been created. The first phase of development is constructed and future phases are currently in the planning stage.
Canterbury Retirement Community – OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA
Client: Episcopal Retirement Community, Inc.
Nature of Work
E. D. Hill planners worked with representatives of the Episcopal Church to prepare a master plan, and survey for the retirement community. The site, located south of N.W. 122nd Street and east of N. Pennsylvania Avenue, affords the opportunity for a mixed use total retirement community environment.
The Canterbury Retirement Community development includes various levels of retirement living including: congregate care, limited care and no care living facilities. The development also includes cottages which are a part of the overall development plan for retirement living.
The E. D. Hill team has continued to work with the owners/developers of the site to include clinics, physical therapy facilities and other health related uses along the N.W. 192nd Street frontage. An updated plan was developed to accommodate such health related facilities. The updated plan should accommodate the development’s growth into the foreseeable future.
St. Anne’s Nursing Home – OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA
Client: Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
Nature of Work
E. D. Hill planners, and surveyors worked with architects and representatives of the Archdiocese in the development of a new state of the art nursing home facility to be known as St. Ann’s. St. Ann’s Nursing Home is located north of Britton Road and approximately one-quarter mile west of Rockwell Avenue. The facility is the first phase of the development of the Archdiocesan Retirement Community a retirement community master planned by the E. D. Hill team.
The E. D. Hill team of land planners, and surveyors all worked on the St. Ann’s project. Planning for St. Ann’s consisted of both master planning the overall Archdiocesan Retirement Community development and site specific planning of the nursing home site itself. Surveying services for St. Ann’s included boundary and topography surveys, grading and staking plans and as-built survey of the completed facility. The development included the site plan and finish grade plan as well as all paving, utilities, drainage and storm water detention. The result was one of the finest nursing home facilities in the southwest.
Client: Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
Nature of Work
E. D. Hill planners, and surveyors worked with architects and representatives of the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City to prepare a plan to redevelop the former St. Ann’s Nursing Home site located one block west of N.W. 19th and Portland Avenue. The size and location of the site offered the opportunity for the project to include more than one facility.
The result was a new private assisted living center and a HUD financed assisted living center, Trinity Place and Villa Issenbart respectively. This re-development presented unique opportunities to create an exciting new facility while preserving the historical nature of the old.
The E. D. Hill team provided surveying, and land planning for the site.
Bellevue Northwest Nursing Center – OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA
Client: Jay Sanders Building Company
Nature of Work
E. D. Hill planners, and surveyors worked with the owners and contractors in the original development of the Bellevue Northwest Nursing Center as well as it’s subsequent expansions. The Bellevue facility is located approximately one block north of N.W. 63rd Street on the east side of North Portland Avenue.
The E. D. Hill team has been involved with the project since it’s inception and, as a result was able to provide the kind of continuity that the expansion of an existing facility needs. E. D. Hill team members provided site planning, finish grade plans, utility plans for the site. Expansion of the facility was quickly facilitated by the team’s ability to recognize opportunities available for site development and drainage while maintaining the integrity of the overall site. The result is a functional, pleasant and attractive nursing home development.